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  • M.A.H.P. Alumnus speaks to news about Wall Ave Baptist church
  • March 11, 2024

    M.A.H.P. Alumnus, Chris Jensen, ’23, speaks to Fox News 13 about his research into historic church and American Legion post in Ogden, Utah


    Goucher College M.A.H.P. ’22 Alumnus Chris Jensen recently spoke with Salt Lake City’s Fox News 13 about his research into Wall Avenue Baptist Church/Pioneer Post 66 of the American Legion, which he chose as his property for the a historic property documentation class in 2022. Chris is the recipient of the preservation program’s Lee Prize for the tremendous community outreach he undertook to seek out and give agency to those in Ogden’s African American community to whom the church and later the only all-Black veterans club in Utah is dear. Now unoccupied in a former redlined area, Chris continues to advocate for its preservation along with Hazel Jones and others who are featured in the news broadcast. Watch the full piece on Instagram.

    Chris is a realtor based in Salt Lake City specializing in historic homes and the cohost of the Demolished Places Podcast. Watch Episode 23 Saving the Wall Avenue Baptist Church with Chris Jensen.