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  • Graduate Programs
  • M.A. in Arts Administration
  • Tuition, Financial Aid, & Scholarships
  • Arts Administration Tuition, Financial Aid, & Scholarships

    Tuition & Fees

    The total estimated program cost for the M.A. in Arts Administration program is $39,800, based on the current tuition and fees for the 2023 academic year. The tuition and fees are re-evaluated every year and are subject to change each fall for the following academic year.

    To view more information about billing, please visit our website. If you have any questions, please contact graduatebilling@salamzone.com.

    Financial Aid

    Contact our Office of Student Financial Aid for information and assistance in financing your Goucher education. All student accounts must be current before enrollment is allowed for subsequent semesters. A late fee will be assessed if payment has not been received by the due date.

    Incoming students may apply to transfer up to 9 credits from approved graduate-level program or related courses successfully completed at accredited colleges or universities. Students seeking transfer credits must submit a photocopy of course syllabus, catalogue description, and other material that adequately describes the course to the director by the first day of the summer session. A transfer fee of $125 will be charged for each credit.

    Payment Plan

    A monthly payment plan is available through the CashNet FSPP (full service payment plan), which may be helpful for students who do not qualify for or do not wish to take advantage of the Federal loan program. Payments may be made by check, Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Contact Billing for more information.


    Application Requirements

    To be considered for a scholarship, applicants to the program must address the following question: What person or experience in your background has taught you the most about the field of arts administration and why? This could be about a leader you have known or worked with, a job, an observed lack of strong arts administration, a particular experience in the arts, an arts convention, etc.

    This essay should be 400-600 words in length and should be submitted as part of your application package (application form, application essay, transcripts, and recommendations).

    Amount Awarded per Scholarship

    Scholarship amounts usually range from $2,000 - $4,500. Several scholarships are awarded each year depending on funds available.


    “ My decision to return to school in my mid-forties for the M.A.A.A. was a big one. While developing skills and language to make me a more effective advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts, I've connected with some awesome people and I have learned an incredible amount already. The community at Goucher knows what they're doing and they truly care. ”

    Catherine Arias

    Program, Class of 2020